BaltDendro 2023


BaltDendro is the regular international conference and a meeting point of the Baltic tree-ring scientific community. The objective is to bring together students, scientists and professionals working in different fields of tree-ring research – dendroarchaeology, dendroclimatology, and dendroecology – to exchange experience and knowledge, to make new contacts and to arrange possible collaboration in the future.

The 6th BaltDendro will be held from 14–18 August 2023 in Saaremaa Island, Estonia. It will be jointly organised by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the University of Tartu.

The participants will give oral presentations in a cosy atmosphere. Since the meeting is supported by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology, we especially encourage graduate students to present their work. The meeting language will be English.

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the BaltDendro 2023 in Estonia!

The organising committee:

Maris Hordo – Estonian University of Life Sciences

Sandra Metslaid – Estonian University of Life Sciences

Aleksei Potapov – Estonian University of Life Sciences

Kristina Sohar – University of Tartu

Alar Läänelaid – University of Tartu

This event is organised by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology, supported by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (Estonian University of Life Sciences’s ASTRA project „Value-chain based bio-economy“ 01.01.2016 –31.08.2023).




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